Protecting High Value Hard Floors Is Easier Than You Think

 In Hard Floor Cleaning

When managing a premium establishment, you’ll want to protect your investment and ensure it looks the part. Protecting high value hard floors, particularly in high traffic areas, could be a difficult undertaking. However, it’s mostly a matter of cleaning regularly and applying the right methods, equipment and products.

Let’s say you have marble in the reception or atrium, hardwood floors in the dining area and natural stone tiles in the corridors. That’s quite the mix of hard floors, and these require individual attention. You will already know that, but this can take time to research and you may not have all the specialist products on site.

This means that even if you’ve hired a fantastic team of cleaners, if they don’t have the latest equipment or specialist knowledge, their efforts will be limited.

What are your options?

You may just want your cleaners to take care of the essential room cleaning, but outsource some of the specialist areas to ensure that your high-value assets are being taken care of.

Outsourcing is a much easier alternative to employing in-house staff and will ensure the latest equipment and expertise will be applied to all your hard floor cleaning. You’ll also have access to specialist treatments, such as polishing, restoring and sealing.

You may decide that you’re happy for your team to take care of the everyday cleaning, such as vacuuming and sweeping. However, it can be helpful to get advice for your high-value floors. There may be specific factors to consider for each material.

Hardwood, tiles and marble can be an amazing feature for a 5-star hotel, but without specialist care and attention they can quickly lose their lustre. High quality flooring should naturally be more durable and scratch resistant, but that doesn’t mean they’re not susceptible to wear and tear. Outsourcing your commercial cleaning to a specialist will not only ensure that your floors look flawless round-the-clock, but also help prolong their lifespan.

They can focus their sole attention on those high-value areas, such as hard floors, upholstery and curtains.

Protect your high value hard floors

Looking for hard floor cleaning in London for a premium establishment? Donau has been working with 5-hotels across the city for over 50 years. Request a quote and speak to a senior professional to find out more.

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